Hello there,
This is Saravana Kumar, Founder of Document360. Thank you for taking the time to evaluate Document360.
I would like to give you a quick background on "Why did we build Document360?".

3 years of pain

We are building software products for nearly 10 years now serving large enterprise customers like Microsoft, HP, BBC, IKEA, etc across 40+ countries.

Document360 is our 4th product in the company.

For nearly 3 years we were struggling to maintain a quality knowledge base for our products. We were spending most of our time trying to work around gaps in functionality in the product available in the market, rather than focusing on the knowledge base.

We started looking out for an alternate good product in the market and realized pretty much every product in the market came with a set of challenges. They were missing a lot of preliminary features like a version control system, poor editor, limitations with category management UI/UX experience and the limit on hierarchy depth, search is not good, no analytics, missing SEO capabilities and so on.

On the face of it, the products in the market ticked the boxes, but once you start using it you soon discovered the limitations and quality issues.

This is when we understood, given our expertise building great enterprise products, there is an opportunity to build a world-class knowledge base product and help thousands of companies to maintain a great online knowledge base for their products and services.

We are continuously innovating in this space. Our ambition is to make Document360 the go-to product for building online knowledge bases (private or public).

I hope you'll find Document360 as a useful product for building your online knowledge base. I've put together a getting started article called "5 basic things to get started" to give you a head start.

Saravana Kumar
Founder - Document360

PS: You can reach me anytime at saravana@document360.co

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